The Yogi Bhajan Kriya, or The Most Healing Kundalini Yoga Kriya Cloaked In Irony & Scandal
A discussion of the Yogi Bhajan scandal and how to move forward with the healing teachings without perpetuating the legacy of abuse.

Five Sutras For The Aquarian Age, or Spiritual Concepts For Mental Peace
A discussion of the difficulties of the technological age and spiritual concepts for mental wellbeing, namely the Five Sutras for the Aquarian Age by Yogi Bhajan.

All About That Breath, or What's So Different About Kundalini Yoga & Meditation?
A discussion of prana, pranee, and pranayama, as they relate to the distinctly different praana, praanee, and praanayam. Exploring the difference between kundalini yoga and meditation and all other types of yoga and meditation.