Kundalini Yoga & Meditation is a technology to release trauma and blocks that are stored in the human energy field. This style of yoga is known as the yoga of awareness. When we practice these teachings, we become more aware of who we are underneath our trauma, and how we behave when we feel good.
This powerful system includes specifically-designed sequences of postures, breath, mantra, movement, and focus, called kriyas, that work on different aspects of the human subconscious. Old patterns of behavior, thought, pain and trauma are healed and released.
Carpe Diem classes are taught in the traditional Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan style. All classes are beginner-friendly, no experience is necessary.
Bring a yoga mat and a meditation cushion or pillow.
Chairs are available if you need to practice off the floor.
You may also find you prefer to wear a head covering, a blanket during the deep relaxation, a prayer shawl during meditation, or white clothing to expand your aura during class. Read more here about enhancing your kundalini yoga and meditation practice.

What to Expect in Class
• Introduction & Tune-In
• Warmup & Breathwork
• Kriya
• Deep Relaxation with Live Gong Sound Healing Bath
• Meditation
• Closing Blessing
Ananda Savitri Kaur has been practicing this yogic technology since she was introduced in 2018. The immediate relief of mental health issues — including severe depression, anxiety, and PTSD — was unlike any medication, therapy, or healing modality she had tried before — her search for relief was finally over!
Ananda signed up for Kundalini Yoga & Meditation teacher training at the home ashram, Hacienda de Guru Ram Das, as soon as possible, seeking to heal herself more efficiently. The tools and techniques Ananda learned at teacher training transformed her life 180°. Estranged relationships healed, unhealthy relationships ended, and a new era was born.
Ananda now works to share the yogic technology with everyone she meets, wanting all humankind to experience the beauty, bounty, and bliss that is their birthright on planet Earth, as children of God. She shares the kundalini yoga and medtation technology online through her podcast/Youtube series reading the SGGS in a year (kundalini yoga and meditation psalms from the Sikh tradition) and practicing breathwork from the book Praana, Praanee, Praanayam. You can subscribe in a variety of ways here.
The name Carpe Diem was chosen to emphasize that this yogic technology, called Kundalini Yoga & Meditation, helps one to “seize the day”.
When someone doesn’t feel well in their:
mind, or
they struggle to thrive in their life.
When someone doesn’t feel well, they don’t experience themselves well enough to treat themselves, or others, very well. A natural consequence of not feeling well in body, mind, or soul is a lack of thriving.
But when someone DOES feel well in their body, mind, and soul, they naturally thrive. Taking good care of themselves and others becomes relatively simple when they begin to feel well regularly. Enjoying the natural beauty, bounty, and bliss of everyday life becomes easy, and thriving becomes the “new normal”. As a human being on planet Earth, thriving is your birthright.
It’s easy to SEIZE THE DAY with Kundalini Yoga & Meditation! Life should be easier, and you’ll find life is easier if you come to class regularly and incorporate some of the techniques you learn into everyday life.
We host Kundalini Yoga & Meditation classes in recreation centers around Dallas to become more accessible to the general population of our great city. Yogic technology, especially Kundalini Yoga As Taught By Yogi Bhajan, has an exclusive reputation. Classes held outside of traditional yoga or meditation studios means more people have access to this powerful tool for thriving!
If you appreciate this mission to keep kundalini yoga and meditation accessible and affordable for the masses, we encourage you to bring your friends to try out the classes (friends who practice together stay together!) and try out the offers from our sponsors: Acorns, Sparkletts, SoFi Invest, and Quince.
If you are interested in private sessions, please see pricing and packages here.